

我们的课程研究美国民族, 其内部的多样性和矛盾性, 以及它在世界上的地位. Since the establishment of American studies in the early 20th century, 这个领域已扩大到包括文学, 历史, 艺术历史, 社会学, 宗教, 和音乐. It also includes film studies, queer studies, African American studies, 和 Asian American studies. 我们的课程强调社会公正.

Majors choose a concentration that adds depth 和 coherence to their coursework. We offer minors in Asian American studies 和 Latina/o studies that examine the histories, 哲学, 文化, 以及这些基团的交集, 在美国国内和国外.


  • 了解美国的历史和文化.
  • Evaluate the influence 和 impact of America beyond its borders.
  • Examine the racial, ethnic, 和 religious interactions that define its identity.



学生们获得了批判性思考者的技能, 有说服力的作家, 和 skillful researchers on a broad range of topics in American life.


的 interdisciplinary 辅修亚裔美国人研究 examines the lives, 文化, 和 histories of people of Asian descent living in the Americas. It intersects significantly with the study of other minority groups in the United States 和 with the study of the Asia-Pacific region.


的 拉丁/辅修课程 focuses on the experiences, 文化, 和 politics of people of Latin American descent living in the United States. Its interdisciplinary study of social inequalities 和 racial dynamics overlaps with fields such as Africana studies 和 Asian American studies.


  • From Disney films to Nickelodeon cartoons to Newberry award-winning texts, popular children's media offers us the opportunity to analyze how complex issues of identity are represented in cultural productions aimed at a young 观众. This course takes as a 网站 of analysis media aimed at children to investigate the lessons imparted 和 ideologies circulate in popular films 和 books. 《皇冠体育》中的阶级是如何划分的? 语言政治在《皇冠体育》中起了什么作用? What are the sounds of masculinity in Beauty 和 the Beast? How does Mulan construct 性别, 比赛, 和 militarism? 使用交叉分析框架, 我们将追踪流行的比喻, 识别抗性图像, 和 map out the more popular messages children receive about difference in our world. (AMST 102Y和EDUC 102Y是交叉上市的课程.)
  • 贝尼托Martínez奥卡西奥, 更广为人知的名字是坏兔子, has quickly risen through the ranks to become one of the most significant 和 impactful global Latin music stars in 历史. This course explores what analyzing Bad Bunny can teach us in Latinx Studies. We will explore his role in the 2019 protests in Puerto Rico, 以及2019年夏天教给我们的皇冠体育美国的知识.S. 帝国和波多黎各政治. We will also pay particular attention to the politics of 比赛, 性别, 以及坏兔的酷儿表演. 最后, we will consider Bad Bunny as a Spanish-language “crossover” star in the United States to underst和 the place of Latinx artists in the U.S. 主流. 整体, this course will explore these topics by closely situating Bad Bunny’s work in relation to key texts in Latinx Studies regarding 比赛, 帝国, 性别, 和酷儿.


  • Professor 保罗·费雪 st和s 和 talks in a museum in front of two drawings on a blue wall.

    保罗·费希尔教授的书, 《大事件:约翰·辛格·萨金特的世界 (麦克米兰,2022),被评为年度最佳书籍 《纽约客》《皇冠体育》 《皇冠体育》. Fisher helped organize the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum’s 2020 exhibit Boston’s Apollo: Thomas McKeller 和 John Singer Sargent, 和 contributed to its catalog, which won the George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award.

  • 里维拉-里多教授与坏兔子合影.

    坏兔子教学大纲, created by Professor 佩特拉Rivera-Rideau 和 Loyola Marymount University’s Professor Vanessa Diaz, is a free online resource for contextualizing the Puerto Rican reggaetón artist’s rise to superstardom. 使用音乐, 播客, 学术文章, 以及其他媒体, the syllabus explores reggaetón 历史 和 性别 politics, 以及对波多黎各很重要的话题, 比如LGBTQ的权利, 债务危机, 飓风玛丽亚, 比赛, 以及该岛作为联邦的地位.

  • 吉纳维芙Clutario站在台面前

    In 美丽的政权 杜克大学出版社, 2023), Professor 吉纳维芙Clutario tells the story of how—in an era of overlapping imperial regimes 和 the rise of Filipino nationalism—帝国 和 beauty work together 和 性别 becomes a guiding lens through which imperial 和 nation-state aspirations must be understood.



Careers of American studies graduates include the law, teaching grades K–12, 和 nonprofit work. Recent employers include Immigrant Justice Corps, BASIS Charter Schools, 和 Columbia University.

