
Academic Program Introduction

韦尔斯利的工程研究将工程视为现代文科固有的人道主义活动. 学习工程课程的学生会探索这样的问题:缺乏服务的社区的技术相关需求是什么? 哪些工程实践和干预措施可以帮助缓解这些挑战? 韦尔斯利工程实验室(We-Lab)是一个充满活力的中心,来自不同背景和学科的学生可以学习和探索动手工程工作. 有足够的资源用于设计、协作、构建、分析和沟通.

韦尔斯利不授予工程专业或辅修专业. 学生可以学习更高级的工程课程, certificates, 并通过韦尔斯利与麻省理工学院和奥林工程学院的合作获得学位.

Learning goals

  • Generate novel technical ideas and approaches, 考虑到真实的约束,包括解释社会规范和条件.
  • 整合定量和定性工程方法和方法,从科学, mathematics, social sciences, and the humanities to gather data, analyze, model, and draw conclusions.
  • Design a system, component, 或工艺在现实经济范围内满足预期需要, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability constraints.
  • 评估工程解决方案在全球范围内的影响, economic, environmental, and societal context.
  • 发展和完善在团队项目中合作解决问题的能力.

Pursue advanced engineering

Students can complete a certificate program in engineering at Olin or in engineering leadership through the Bernard M. Gordon MIT Engineering Leadership Program.

学生们可以在皇冠体育获得五年制双学位 Olin or MIT. These programs are highly selective and extremely rigorous; zero to two students participate from each class year. 大多数对工程感兴趣的学生选择在韦尔斯利主修数学或科学领域, engage in summer research, and then study engineering in graduate school.


Places and spaces

The We-Lab 提供专业级的工具和机械动手学习和快速原型, including:

  • 3D打印机:Markforged Onyx Pro, UltiMaker S7 Pro和Stratasys Dimension 1200es.
  • Laser cutter: Trotec Speedy 300 100w CO2 Laser.
  • 带锯,钻床,和手动工具快速原型.
  • 电子工具和元件,包括焊接设备, microcontrollers, and development boards.
  • Technical LEGOs for rapid prototyping mechanisms.

For additional fabrication capabilities, 韦尔斯利社区可以进入科学中心的机械车间和 Glass Garage 创客空间,克拉普图书馆的纳普中心创客空间,以及 Weissman Foundry at Babson College.

Course highlights

  • Through hands-on exploration, 学生将学习模拟和数字电子学, optical systems, 以及现代物理实验室的基本技术. A framework for data analysis will be developed, with a focus on model-data comparison, model selection and statistical inference. 本课程帮助学生为在物理及相关领域的独立研究和实习做好准备. (ENGR 210 and PHYS 210 are cross-listed courses.)
  • 本课程探讨社会正义之间的交叉点, conflict, and engineering using an interdisciplinary, hands-on, case study approach. We will explore four technologies (drones, cell phones, cookstoves and water pumps), 在每个案例中探索具体的工程概念以及使用该技术的伦理和政治含义. The case studies will inform our discussions of the following big ideas: technology is directly linked to social justice and can have both highly beneficial and highly problematic results for the development and transformation of conflicts; understanding technology at a deeper level is critical to understanding the justice impact on communities and people; media communication about technology and technological innovations' benefits can be hyperbolic and requires a critical lens. 和平与正义研究专业的学生必须注册peac305. 其他专业的学生可以根据他们的准备情况注册PEAC 305或ENGR 305. (ENGR 305 and PEAC 305 are cross-listed courses.)

Sample course and research projects

  • 学生自制的装有Arduino Uno的电动汽车.

    ENGR160:工程基础的学生已经开发了广泛的机电设备,包括机器人闭门器和花园保护器, a piano stairs installation in the Science Complex, 以及皇冠体育儿童学习中心的适应性工具.

  • 画在白板上的创意地图/头脑风暴会议.

    Sarah Chu ’20 and Jiaming Cui ’19 designed, built, installed, 并在大疆幻影3专业无人机上测试了有效载荷交付系统,该系统可以携带各种有效载荷,并在半空中根据命令释放它们. 该设备随后被学生在ENGR/PEAC 305:交叉技术中使用, Social Justice, and Conflict.

  • 学生和教师在机械车间观察并讨论他们正在制造的东西.

    高级讲师和工程研究主任艾米·班扎尔特与社区划船公司合作., 协助设计和实施适应性设备的运动员与身体和认知的挑战. During the summer of 2017, Linda K. Lazo’18提炼了两个社区赛艇项目(Rigger Raiser和Erg Grabber),这些项目是学生们在ENGR 111:为所有人创造产品之前的工作中完成的.


  • Drop-in hours

    目前就读工程专业的学生可以优先使用 We-Lab. 韦尔斯利社区的所有成员都可以在监督下旁听.

  • Wellesley Engineering Society


  • Student employment

    Qualified students can work as techs in the We-Lab,提供设备培训和设计帮助,同时磨练他们的教学和工程技能.

Engineering Program

Science Center
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
Amy Banzaert
Program Director
Susan Lange
Academic Administrator