


Alejandra B. 奥索里奥是历史系副教授和历史系系主任.

她是前驻校主任 Programa de studios Hispánicos en Córdoba, 西班牙(PRESHCO) (2015-2017), and former Director of 拉丁美洲研究 (2013-2015) at 皇冠体育. 在2002年来到皇冠体育之前, she was Associate Director of the Center for 拉丁美洲研究 at the University of Florida, 她还是拉丁美洲研究的助理学者, 也是妇女研究和性别研究中心的附属学院.

Osorio’s research has been supported by prestigious grants and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), 安德鲁·W. 梅隆基金会,Paul W. McQuillen Memorial Fellowship and Center for New World Comparative Studies Fellowship at The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University, the Program for Cultural Cooperation Between 西班牙’s Ministry of Culture and United States Universities, 西班牙科学与创新部, 富布赖特, W. 伯格哈特·特纳奖学金, 修改基础, 外语地区研究(FLAS)奖学金.

She is currently a member of three international research projects funded by 西班牙科学与创新部, 巴塞罗那大学的教授 Poder y Representaciones culturales en la Época Moderna: La Monarquía de España como campo cultural (Siglos XVI-XVIII)” (裁判. HAR2016-78304- C2-1-P),在马德里联合国环境规划署 将女性视为现代女性, unhistoria en construcción: aristócratas de la Casa de Mendoza (1450-1700) (裁判. PDI2019-105283GB-I00),以及马德里大学Autónoma Práctica de gobierno y culture política: Europa y amassica en la monarquía de España, 1668-1725 (EurAmer) (裁判. pid2019 - 108822 gb - i00). She is a member of the International Scientific Council of the Doctorate in 历史 at 教皇大学Católica del Perú, of the Editorial Board of the 历史 Series: TRANSFERÈNCIES 1400-1800 巴塞罗那大学的教授 Press, 和编辑顾问委员会 文艺复兴时期的季度 (美国),她还担任其编辑委员会成员(2015-2018)。. 她目前是该协会执行委员会的当选成员 西班牙和葡萄牙历史研究协会 (ASPHS),并当选为联合国的美洲代表 美国文艺复兴协会 (RSA; 2015-2020), where she also chaired its Diversity (formerly Minority) Travel Grant A战争d Committee. She is a member of the Organizing Committee of the 拉丁美洲研究 Association (LASA) 2021 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, CA, 红色柱状花序-智利.


在她的书中 发明 利马:秘鲁南海大都市的巴洛克式现代性, 由Palgrave于2008年出版, Osorio traced the transformation of a sixteenth-century hamlet of ramshackle structures into the seventeenth-century legitimate political center of the viceregal court in the vast Viceroyalty of 秘鲁 through the analysis of civic and religious ceremonies. Her study questioned prevailing understadnigns of “colonial” and framewroks of center/periphery for understanding the place of cities such as Lima in the configuration of geopolitical power of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century empires.

Osorio current research takes on questions and issues raised during the writing of 发明利马 about the social and cultural nature of the Spanish Habsburg Empire’s political culture in its global imperial context. Recent publications deal with various aspects of early modern urban history and urban political culture in the Spanish imperial world, 以及这段历史的学术著作, 对《皇冠体育官网》中经常使用的概念模型提出质疑, 大西洋的历史, 混杂的概念, 殖民复制品和原始现代性, as well as Colonial 历史 and Postcolonial Studies for the study and understanding of the Spanish Empire. 早期的出版物涉及宗教皈依的问题, and with feminist understandings of the place of women in the construction of religious culture in the viceroyalty of 秘鲁 and in the Andean world more broadly.

奥索里奥在玻利维亚进行了研究, 智利, 厄瓜多尔, 英格兰, 法国, 墨西哥, 秘鲁, 葡萄牙, 西班牙, 和美国. 她曾是利马秘鲁研究所的访问学者, 秘鲁, 在墨西哥城的mamexico学院, 以及马德里大学Autónoma, 在西班牙, and has taught at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias 社会es (FLACSO) in Quito, 厄瓜多尔. She is a former member of the Group for the Study of Political Culture in America (GEHCPA) at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 在墨西哥城, and of the Seminar on 秘鲁vian Historiography and Gender Studies at CENDOC-Mujer, 在利马, 秘鲁, and a former 富布赖特 scholar at 教皇大学Católica del Perú (PUCP). 她是CONICYT-FONDECYT(智利)研究项目的审稿人。, FLACSO-Quito(厄瓜多尔), 社会科学研究理事会, 教皇大学Católica del Perú, 以及各种学术出版社和国际学术期刊.

奥索里奥获得了博士学位.D. 纽约州立大学石溪分校历史系毕业, 她还获得了妇女研究证书, 和B.A. 在历史和文学硕士学位.A. 纽约大学拉丁美洲和加勒比研究硕士. 她到处旅行,并在玻利维亚居住了很长一段时间, 智利, 厄瓜多尔, 墨西哥, 秘鲁和西班牙.





HIST211 The Empire of the Indies: Spanish Rule in America and the Philippines (ca. 1500s-1780s)



HIST218 Dictatorship, Authoritarianism, and Transition to Democracy 在西班牙 and Latin America

HIST358 Seminar: Pepper, Silver, and Silk: The Political Culture of Early Commodity Circulation

HIST359 Seminar: Speaking Ruins: Antiquity and Modernity in the 历史 of the Spanish World

HIST375 Seminar: Empire and Modernity: The Rise and Fall of Spanish World Power

HIST376 Seminar: Medicine, Public 健康, and Nation Building in latin America, 1890s-2000s



  • B.A.纽约大学
  • M.A.纽约大学
  • Ph.D.他是纽约州立大学石溪分校的教授


  • This foundational course in international history explores the evolution of trade, 竞争, 以及世界上不同社区之间的文化互动, from the Mongol 征服s of the late thirteenth century through the end of the twentieth century. Themes include: the centrality of Asia to the earliest global networks of trade and interaction; the rise of European wealth and power in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; empires; imperialism and its impact; the evolution of the nation-state; scientific and industrial revolutions; and "modernization" and the new patterns of globalization during the late twentieth century. 关注全球一体化的推动者, 包括贸易, 技术, 迁移, 思想的传播, 征服, 战争, 和疾病.